Fair Trade
We source our food and consumables through ‘Fair trade’. If you enjoy a cup of coffee or tea on our premises, then it’s sure to be Fair Trade.

This Christian based organisation is active in practical conservation projects around the world. These focus on resolving issues that threaten ecosystems and the diversity of their flora and fauna. Some projects are small-scale and led by volunteers; others are bigger-budget programmes involving whole communities dependent on the health of local forests and wetlands. Taking care of the world is at the heart of their work.

Our Church aims to put care for God’s creation at the centre of its worship and outreach. In April 2016 we received our first Eco-congregation award from the Lord Mayor of Bristol. This has been followed by the awarded of a Silver Award in May and that the award was presented by Mary Colwell, the award winning radio and TV producer. This was done at our Green Communion Service on 3rd June.
The installation of solar panels has achieved a saving of far more than was originally projected.

Jointly with other local churches we seek to house and finance a refugee family in our community. We are working with all bodies and organisations, including the Council, to achieve this.

John Wesley’s chapel is in the centre of Bristol and is visited by thousands of people each year. To ensure a warm welcome we provide volunteers who help out with the day to day running of chapel and museum.

Our church has a lot of space put down to gardens. At the back there is a vegetable plot that provides produce sold to raise funds for Fair Trade. In the front there are shrubs and flowers to welcome all visitors. Our Green Fingered Hero, Hazel, looks after the gardens as well as the upkeep of the flower plot in the adjoining car park.

As well as providing a social occasion, our happy and increasing band of knitters are hard at it making hats, scarves and blankets for refugees and displaced people. All are welcome – every Thursday from 10.00 to 12.00 in the foyer.