Westbury on Trym Methodist Church.


We extend a warm welcome to everyone at our services. 

A service is held every Sunday at 10.30 am, after which refreshments are served with a chance to chat.

The first Sunday of the month service includes Holy Communion. All are welcome to participate.

The Zimbabwe Methodist Fellowship service is held every Sunday at 1 pm. 

· 2nd Sunday of the month 4.00 pm Café Church. This is a more informal style of worship usually involving a shared activity and group discussion. Light refreshments are available throughout the service.

· 4th Sunday in the month. 6.30 pm A joint service with Holy Trinity at Holy Trinity Church

Details of forthcoming services.

0210.30Rev. Teddy Kalongo Holy Communion  
4.00No Service
0910.30Maddy Briggs
4.00Café Church with Rev. Sharon Lovelock
1610.30Patrick Stonehewer
4.00No Service 
2310.30Pauline Culshaw (Eco- Service) 
4.00No service 
3010.30 Rev. Teddy Kalongo (Mothering service and Holy Communion) 
4.00No service 
0610.30David Deeks HC Easter Offering 
4.00No Service
1310.30 Gordon Sollis
4.00Café Church with Dainne Yeandal
2010.30Rev Marcus Torchon HC
No Service
2710.30John Emmett
6.30United Service with Rev. Teddy Kalongo
0410.30Rev. Teddy Kalongo HC Annual Church Meeting
4.00No Service
1110.00 LA
4.00Café Church with M Scolombe
1810.30Pearl Luxon
No Service
2510.30Emmanuel Jacob
6.30Aboseh United

The Zimbabwe Methodist Fellowship uses our premises on some Sundays.

For those wishing to access an online service the Circuit provides one each Sunday at 6.00pm from Horfield Methodist Church. The Zoom link is available on request.

Links with other Christians 

The Zimbabwe Methodist Fellowship uses our premises on some Sundays. 
We also have an arrangement with the local parish church at Westbury-on-Trym (Holy Trinity). We have regular joint services and organise joint events.