Important Dates and Times for Church Members
Links with Holy Trinity Parish Church
We are working towards a deeper relationship between Holy Trinity and ourselves.
This is the programme of worshipping together.
All Methodists are invited to worship at Holy Trinity for Evening Service every Sunday at 6:30 pm.
All Members of Holy Trinity are invited to worship at the Methodist Church on:
- 9th March 4.00 pm: Café Church with Rev. Sharon Lovelock
In addition:
Space to Grieve is a gathering to which all those who have suffered a bereavement are invited. The meetings are held in the St Paul’s Room at Holy Trinity at 2.30 pm on the first Wednesday of the month. They are informal with tea, cake and conversation. For more information: contact Gina Eastman on 0117 9624708.
Parish Cycling Group do “easy rides” of 30 miles on Saturday mornings once a month. For more information contact Goeff Carter at