About Us

Our Minister, Rev. Teddy Kalongo
Who are we?
Methodism is a mainstream branch of the Christian church. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and his crucifixion and rising from the dead 2,000 years ago created a way for humanity to have a restored relationship with God and the prospect of eternal life with him.
Methodists are committed to lead a life of worship, prayer and bible study, supporting each other and responding to the needs locally and across the world.
Indeed the development of Methodism is particularly associated with John Wesley (1703-1791) an Anglican priest, who said, “The World is my parish.”. A key feature of Methodism is that God’s Grace is for all. Bristol has particular historical links to Methodism. John Wesley (1703-1791) founded the New Room, situated in Broadmead. It is the oldest Methodist chapel in the world. In addition to the original chapel there is a café, library, meeting rooms and an excellent museum of Methodism. https://www.newroombristol.org.uk
Our own church building was founded in 1811, was rebuilt in 1889 and has undergone many improvements and extensions over the years.
We take seriously our responsibilities to God’s creation and have worked hard to achieve a silver Eco-Church award.